"Here to Make Life's Special Moments a Little Sweeter."

"Here to Make Life's Special Moments a Little Sweeter."

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Special Birthday Girls

Two very special ladies share a birthday on January 30th, my mother and my cousin's daughter.  My mother is an amazing woman who supports me in almost all of my crazy ideas : )  She has been especially wonderful when it comes to supporting me in my cookie endeavors and most recently showed this support by being the first person to order Valentine's Day cookies from me this year.  I decided to send her Valentine's Day cookies out a little early this year (you can find the two batches I sent her pictured in the post below) along with some extra ones for her birthday.  I hope she enjoys them and I wish I could be there on her special day.

My cousin Ashley's daughter Sophie also has a birthday on January 30th.  Ashley ordered some princess cookies for her little princess that I was able to ship off with my mother's box.  I love it when people ask for new cookie types.  It allows me to try something different and specialize an order just for them.  I hope they enjoy eating them as much as I enjoyed making them: )