"Here to Make Life's Special Moments a Little Sweeter."

"Here to Make Life's Special Moments a Little Sweeter."

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fleur De Lis

In an attempt to say thank you for all of the orders my uncle has made this past month I brought him over this tray of fleur de lis when he invited us over for dinner tonight.  My sister Laura had actually found the cookie cutter while we were out shopping this week and we decided it would make the perfect cutter for a tray of cookies for Joe because that symbol is a main staple of his home's decor.  (In fact I teased him tonight telling him he has more fleur de lis in his home than the entire French Quarter in New Orleans:) )  

One Person's Trash is Another Person's Treasure

I've really found this statement to be true as I've proceeded along my cookie making journey.  There have been many projects that I have completed that I have felt a strong desire to toss into the trash immediately, that I have instead shown to others, who not only like them, but end up ordering them.  Case in point are the ornament cookies I made earlier this week.  Although nothing in particular wrong with the cookies, they were a batch that I had no intentions of showing anyone because I was not completely happy with them.  Instead I decided to post them here and send a text message with them to my Uncle Joe.  He not only liked them he placed an order for two baskets for this weekend.  Moral of the story: There is always someone out there who is going to appreciate something you make.