"Here to Make Life's Special Moments a Little Sweeter."

"Here to Make Life's Special Moments a Little Sweeter."

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dreaming of A White Christmas

One thing about living in Houston is that the holiday season always sneaks up on me because of the lack of winter like weather.  (As a native Wisconsinite this "cold spell" we've been having does not count!)  So after creating the basket for my uncle's party last night, I decided to keep trucking with the winter theme and finish up four baskets today that he had asked me to make for his neighbors.  He had found these beautiful baskets at Hobby Lobby and filling them with blue, silver and white winter cookies was the perfect finishing touch.  Real happy with the way these baskets turned out.  

Late December

I have been taking a vacation this month from cookie making - ironic considering this is the time of year that most people make more cookies than normal. However, today my Uncle Joe broke me out of my reprieve when he asked me to make cookies for his holiday get together.