"Here to Make Life's Special Moments a Little Sweeter."

"Here to Make Life's Special Moments a Little Sweeter."

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Stanley's Birthday Weekend

My boyfriend Stanley's birthday was this past Thursday!!!  He loves the New York Yankee's, so I decided instead of making the traditional birthday theme cookies, that I would make him cookies representing his favorite team.  He had an amazing weekend going out to dinner with friends on Thursday night, enjoying a bonfire with friends on Friday night, Party Bus to the racetrack Saturday day and a night out on the town on Saturday night.  We are truly blessed to have such great friends here in Cali and I hope they enjoyed the cookies as much as I enjoyed making them.  Happy Birthday Gibbs : )

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I love Football Season!!!!

My favorite time of year is the fall by far.  One of the many reasons this time of year is the best is because I get to watch FOOTBALL.  This year we decided to have the opening game at our house with some of our friends.  To celebrate I decided to make cookies representing each of the two teams.  Great night with great people.

Happy Birthday Grandma Iris and Bobby!!!

On my father's side of the family there seems to be more people who share birthday's with one another than many other families I know.  One such special day is August 28th.  This year my Grandma Iris celebrated 84 wonderful years on this earth with my cousin Bobby who turned 21!!!  I was very honored and excited when my Aunt Karen e-mailed me asking me to make cookies for their special day.  I decided to make Bobby's 21st birthday batch a mixture of alcoholic beverage cookies and casino themed cookies, both things I felt Bob would appreciate.  My Grandma I wanted to try out making more of the floral cookies, with more of a color flare.  I had to throw in one frog for Gram, as she always says my cookies are too pretty to eat and no one can claim a frog is pretty: )