"Here to Make Life's Special Moments a Little Sweeter."

"Here to Make Life's Special Moments a Little Sweeter."

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Grandma Dorthy's 80th Birthday

What a great summer it has been so far!  I have moved from Houston to LA, an exciting and bittersweet relocation, which found me leaving behind amazing friends and family who will be a part of my life forever, and making new friends here, who I look forward to getting to know better.  I have had the opportunity to see my brother, who lives here in California, much more often in the last few months than I have in years : )  And the list goes on..... however the biggest highlight of my summer was being able to celebrate my Grandma Dorthy's 80th birthday with her and our family in June.   My Aunts and Mother spent a lot of time and effort over the past year making sure that my Grandmother's special day was spectacular and they more than succeeded in their goal.  It was perfect! Therefore, I was really honored and nervous when they asked me to create the centerpieces for each table for the party and to be honest I was more nervous about this batch of cookies than I have been about all the other batches combined!   I'd like to thank my mom, aunts, and cousins for all of your help, you were all amazing!  Thank you also for the opportunity to contribute to a party for a woman whom a love dearly and wish I could see more often.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA.  (PS I hope I look this amazing at 80!!)